This article by John Castellano collected from the "Radiocorriere" (1.) Demonstrates that the function takes the new medium of communication. Television programs in our country, created as a social and entertainment venues. Few Italians could afford to own a television to buy it because it took three months of an employee. Ninety thousand television sets in 1954, passed the following year to seven million. A search of the service reviews Rai will report: a 3.1% in 1956 to use the TV to be a part of the public at home, 12.5% \u200b\u200bin the other house and 45% in public places. But it was only in 1961 that will have you listening over ten million people, mainly concentrated around 21.00 hours. (2.)

As I said previously Television was established in our country as a medium in use at public service: as was the case in other European countries (eg in England with John Reith of the BBC), to educate, entertain and inform were the features that television, whether through 'State intervention in their field of broadcasting, assuring the population.
The educational task of the TV in Italy than in other European countries, became a more pressing importance: on the one hand there was the need to educate in a more traditional (ie set to play a real school training through the " telescuola "with programs and documentaries of a scientific nature), while the other should try to educate the people Italian citizenship and national community. Massimo Scaglione said: "(...) these two tasks are welded, thanks to television, the gradual transition from Italie (still dialect speakers), which is found in Italy do not speak the language of courtly teleteatro, but the" average " Daily and Mike Buongiorno. "(3.). Initially
RAI broadcasts were experimental, the first transmission dates back to January 3, 1954 and the planned program was fifteen hours a week. At that time, the televisions placed throughout the peninsula were little more than a hundred, and the signal could barely reach some areas of the "Central Italy", while the "South" was shut down.
In some issues of the weekly "Radiocorriere" dating back to 1957, the year's debut of "Carousel" and then in television advertising shows the daily schedule in which it is interesting to compare the importance of listening time to two means: Unlike radio, which occupies an entire facade, television programs are sacrificed
only two half-columns. America was born with advertising on television and was well made by the great agencies of Madison Avenue in New York, we, consumption was still minimal and fragmented here and there on the peninsula.
In the years when America appeared in the "spot", which consisted of some short advertising messages that were inserted during programs, in Italy the publicity was all bound together in ten minutes of talent shows.
But it is only the beginning.
Farmers campaign Bergamo sitting watching television
With the passage of time and especially since its from "Carousel" watching television becomes a real event: a few photos of those years reveal Italy is a curious fact to follow the evening appointments entire families would gather in bars and public places, sometimes bringing the arm chair from home.
applicant Italian situation in the late fifties where people would sit at the bar watching televisione.Le the most-watched were: "Double or nothing" (airing at dal'56 '59) and "Canzonissima" (from '57 to '75)
The commercials brought not only the product el'appuntamento weekly evening which extended throughout the country, but also by public advertising. It sounds like a tongue twister, but for some it was just that: a good example for better understanding can be given by the gas "Shell" in planning "Radiocorriere" announced that one of the notes: "Tonight on TV, at 20.50." To drive better, "special program for motorists by Giovanni Canestrini. Shell Contribution to traffic safety." (4.)
With the promise of revealing the ending or dissolution of a plot, or just some advice for living better, the appointment was announced on the weekly, the "Radiocorriere" with sentences like this: for example, "(...) the answer to this evening in Carousel." (5.) Or "this evening at 20:50, a television show, though short, I amuse you very much ..." (6.), And also "Who Mobil. If not. Tonight do not miss the exceptional performance of music and visions offered by Mobil Oil Italy (...) ". (7.)
Appointments launched in category attracted the curiosity of many. There is no doubt that" Carousel "in time thanks to their little show has been successful with a certain discretion to establish a close relationship with the public . The ad space disguised in a delicate mechanism
light entertainment was in fact: in addition to allowing the enjoyment of advertising over the years played the role of a privileged early education consumption.
Dorfles Piero in his book (8.) explains believe that "Carousel" as one reason for such an interest in television is an exaggeration, but then also says that those ten minutes transmission over the years have contributed to the increase in quell'audience that otherwise would never have been reached (an entire generation of children), because the programs were primarily educational in nature and reluctant to draw the attention of children.
Soon, the TV took on a new role: as an object of consumption to the occasional object of domestic use, and the new equipment gradually appeared in Italian homes. If
"Carousel" brought great changes and upheavals in the organization of daily life was largely due to television in that time had built a certain authority that could be telling people: 'It True, the television said. "
As mentioned above, television has played a central role in the development of Italian consumption, the quality and credibility of the advertised products does raise the ratio of consumer confidence, and that is where the brand of a product is chosen over others. If 24 million only four million eight hundred thousand women in the fifties had a job, inevitably Articles household appliances and the arrival of the first reorganization of the time the woman no longer required to go shopping every day and wash by hand laundry: the refrigerator replaces the old ice allowing the storage of fresh produce for several days, also with the arrival of the washing machine is no longer necessary to fill the house with tubs of clothes to wash and cleanser. "Moulinex gives more time to the woman" (Moulinex-1975), "Everybody say ..." Lombardi ex-bon "(soup Lombardi - 1966)," Hey ... doing laundry white, white! "(Hey Detergent - 1957). In addition cars and 50 wasps from the message: "With wasp can be: with joy because you are driving, it's beautiful, is strong and robust" ("Vespa 50", "The songs of Gianni Morandi" -1966 "), to household appliances (televisions, washing machines and refrigerators
), also appear vacuuming, the polisher, the blender, the pot pressure and why not, the air conditioner. And yet the products for personal hygiene (such as toothpaste or deodorant Durban's "Rexona" that "you in the lurch" -1975), detergents, medicines (Falqui, Verdal, etc..), Up to with stockings ("With that Omsa legs!" - 1960) and clothing.
Advertising for the kitchen "Naonis" aired from 1965 until 1971
In those years had a dramatic increase in the motor vehicle industry, the sector of precision mechanics and mechanical engineering. Also assumed much importance the activities that produce cellulose fibbre artificial and synthetic textiles, and petroleum derivatives.
Between 1958 and 1962 production grew by 90% and automatically exports increased by 16%.

Since the spring of 1955 on Italian streets first appeared in the Fiat "600" and two years after the "500", payable in installments at an affordable price. While abandoned bicycles, two-wheelers could count the appearance of Vespa Piaggio and "Lambretta" of the Innocents. Since 1955 the state launched a major development plan: In addition to starting work to make viable the motorway Autostrada del Sole (the the stretch from Milan to Naples, useful to promote trade and expand domestic market), are started redevelopment of the landscape and art in order to promote tourism in our country.
1. "Radiocorriere" article p. 8 "The TV in the coffee house the tv" N ° 28, 9-15 July 1961.
2. "Carousel" by Piero Dorfles, p.. 9, Society publisher "Il Mulino, Bologna 1998.
3. "Dreams. The dreams of the Italians in 50 years of TV advertising" by Gianni Canova, p.37 Massimo Scaglione, Pearson Addison-Wesley, La Triennale di Milano 2004.
4. "Carousel" by Piero Dorfles, p. 12, Society publisher "Il Mulino, Bologna 1998, published on February 3, 1957 by Shell.
5. "Carousel" by Piero Dorfles, p. 13, Society publisher "Il Mulino, Bologna 1998.
6. "Carousel" by Piero Dorfles, p. 13, Society publisher "Il Mulino, Bologna 1998, advertising of Durban's September 4, 1957.
7. "Carousel" by Piero Dorfles, p. 13, Society publisher "Il Mulino, Bologna 1998, Italy advertising Mobil Oil and the new fuel" Anti-wear 42 ".
8. "Carousel" by Piero Dorfles, p. 14, Society publisher "Il Mulino, Bologna 1998.
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