Friday, September 11, 2009

Seating Plan For Trestle Tables

The ruthlessness, means and ends. San Francesco in exaltation of extermination. Fees for the torture of people ...

December 2, 1999. Radio Gamma 5 from 15:00 to 16:30.
The ruthlessness, means and ends. [12'46 "] St. Francis in glorification of mass murder. [16'40 "] Fees for the torture of people. [19'20 "] Manifesto against rationalism and reason [20'32"] Chaldean Oracles. Fragment 138. The region of the messengers. [24'50 "] The need to reconstruct the pagan religion Policy and not to be THE place your feet on the head. [38'06 "] Fragment 139. [39'16 "] Fragment 140. [42'12 "] Fragment 141. . [47'56 "] The stories that take care James Hillman. [53'44 "] Plato with children. [55'30 "] Atheists" Do you believe in magic! "The atheist believes in black magic. [57'10 "] Science and the absolute. Herod. [64'20 "] Birth of Christianity. [66'58 "] helicopter aircraft mechanic. [68'40 "Renato da Bassano]" I believe in God. " [69'42 "raspberry]. [70'00 "and 73'36"] risk Jubilee attacks of satanism (but only Christians). [71'00 "] body light and courage to face life. [76'08 "] Where could he could not destroy Attila the jubilee.

December 2, 1999. From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Radio Gamma 5.
A person can always listen to another radio. [1'56 "] The near-death phenomena interpreted by the Witchcraft and Pagan polytheist. [2'50 "] Arthur Berger . [20'32 "] Stephen Beverini . [28'56 "] Alessandro Meluzzi . [31'30 "] Antonio Bianchi . Ketamine and burn themselves. [42'32 "]" If you pray in the office is an indulgence "to buy people. [42'50 "] Internet . [45'10 "]" Anathema Tonini of sexual orientation "shameful and Tonini. [47'20 "] 'Prete Genovese enlists the faithful against beggars ..." The Catholic Church wants the money for himself. [49'28 "] The U.S. PIO XII" If Mussolini entered the war, scomunicatelo "to 12 ° pious interested in waging war against the USSR. [51'00 "] "Confession Sacrament of joy and guilt of the person brought to its knees. [52'10 "from Dolo] Books. # / group.php? Gid = 55125549547 & ref = ts


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