approval of commercial vehicles
In general, motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of goods with at least four wheels and a mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, the international classification, in the category of type N1 vehicles motor for passenger transport, with more than nine seats including the driver, however, fall into the category M1. The approval is the sole responsibility of the manufacturer and depends on compliance with all relevant administrative and technical requirements for safety, fuel consumption and pollutant emissions in accordance with the European Directive 2007/46/EC transposed by Decree of Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation on April 28, 2008. The number or code approval characterizes each type of vehicle and uniquely identifies the technical data (engine type, body type, number of seats, dimensions, characteristics, etc.).. The same model of vehicle may be approved by the manufacturer in more categories, so that you can then register it as needed, such as motor vehicle or as a passenger. To be approved, N1, among other things, is no longer required the division between interior and cargo space through bulkheads or metal grids, the European Directive 2007/46/EC, in fact, has removed this obligation, giving the go-ahead Houses on the any type of vehicle, not just vans, sedans and people carriers but also, for example.
Registration During registration you will need to declare the use and destination of the half, the fall in the class of commercial motor vehicles, described in the letters f) and g), Article 54 of the Highway Code "Motor vehicles for transport-specific" and "special purpose vehicles." It is, in general, motor vehicles with four wheels, placed in category N1 approval and, therefore, for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes. However, some layouts and templates allow you to register as a passenger, as described in point a) of Article 54 of the Code of the Road: Vehicles used for transportation of persons having more than nine seats including the driver. Middle ground there are none, you must pick one or the other category, the mixed transport of people and goods, as defined in subparagraph c) of Article 54 of the Highway Code was finally repealed by the European Directive 98/14 / EC, enforced by the Decree of the Minister of Transport on 4 August 1998.
vehicle or car? When there
the obligation to divide the cabin and cargo area the only car that could be approved N1, and thus the vehicle was registered as a station wagon. For transport on own account was to the advantage of being able to download the VAT on the purchase and operating costs. The same convenience, today, has expanded on many ranges and models of cars, but remember that once the vehicle is registered as a vehicle intended for carrying goods for own use or for third parties will not be able to use it as a passenger. In these cases, there is a prohibition on board for all those people who are not involved in the carriage. In practice, the vehicle can not be used to make a Sunday trip with the family or to accompany their children to school, anyone who climbs on board, charged with driving or stock, must necessarily be an employee and, to be precise: the licensee in case of a company individual, an employee left the payroll, a family helper, a partner with unlimited liability company in persons (Snc and SAS), the sole director in limited liability companies (Srl, and Scarl SpA).
In contrast, registration as a passenger permit the presence of passengers and goods, but is not allowed to transport for hire or reward.
vehicle. Permits for guide and transportation
If we decide to register the vehicle as a motor vehicle driver's license that entitlement to drive motor vehicles designed and constructed for the carriage of goods with at least four wheels and a mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes and B but the owner of the carriage, whether a natural person whether companies should be provided with a license that is required with the relevant Province (Legislative Decree 112/1998).
licenses for ' haulage of goods in their own are issued according to Law 298/74 and Presidential Decree No. 783/1977 provided that the transport is not constitute economic activities within the framework of the enterprise. Things to carry, then, for their material properties must be closely related with the main activity, while the entire vehicle fleet company shall not have a total payload capacity than needed to meet the needs of the principal. The costs of transport, shall also not constitute the bulk of the total cost of the undertaking. The extremes of the license for the operation of transportation of goods on own account should be given on the registration certificate to be kept always on board. In case of control, the lack or violation of the conditions imposed, such as lack of necessary authorizations, is grounds for administrative sanction, and in some cases, suspension of registration certificate from two to eight months. (Article 83 of the Road).
Transport contractors
Also as part of registration of the vehicle as a motor vehicle, if the user needs go beyond the mere transportation of goods produced in the company, operative paragraph 4 of Article 82 the Highway Code, which defines "the use of another when a vehicle is used for payment, interests of different people by the holder of the registration certificate, "while paragraph 4 thereof states that" a vehicle means used in the service of transportation of goods on behalf of others when the owner is obligated for payment, to pay transport services ordered by the sender. " At this point, as defined by Law 454 / 1997 "all natural and legal persons engaged in the road haulage for hire or reward by any means and in any capacity or tonnage, shall be entered in the drivers', addressing the competent county office. In all transport contractors, finally, is must be kept always on board the transport card, introduced by Decree of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport No 554, 30 giugno2009.
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